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Create beautifully designed polls in under a minute. Choose from a library of templates or customize your own template. With many types of customization, you will make the poll your. Poll Create an account to unlock even more features. By creating an account you accept our terms and conditions. Polls were created and successfully delivered.
Polls in Perspective, Votes in Context. A Recap of Katrina and Bush Approval. The comparison will be inevitable so here is my analysis of Katrina and Bush approval written 1 year post-Katrina. The link to my post-Katrina analysis is here. Includes links to posts written as the story developed in fall 2005. The botched Miers nomination hurt approval among Republicans, and Libby, added to woes t.
Add polls to your page and get your visitors opinion, they can vote see results and see reports about your poll. you dont need to change your page everytime you make a poll as you can link it to your user id. To add a poll to your web site simply click on new poll. Beside dynamic rating which allows will automatically generate a new rate for each subject of yours that reads from database.
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